Saturday 10 April 2010


I can not still believe that so many important peoples of Polish politics died in one moment during the plane crash today. I’m not really interested in politics but this is for me a personal trauma. Those were peoples I’ve known from daily news, I was not always happy with what they said or what they did but still they were important for the country and for peoples. So sad…

Jakoś nie potrafię sobie do końca uświadomić, że tyle ważnych osób zginęło dziś w jednej chwili… Nigdy nie byłam fanką prezydenta, ale nigdy, przenigdy nie życzyłabym mu takiej śmierci. Jestem głęboko wstrząśnięta i smutna. Życzę im by ich dusze zaznały spokoju… Straszna tragedia.


  1. Oh I am so sorry to hear this. How utterly terrible.
    My thoughts will go to everybody who has lost a loved one. Awful.


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